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The Benefits of  Dental Cleanings

The Benefits of Dental Cleanings: Beyond Just a Clean Smile

The Benefits of Dental Cleanings: Beyond Just a Clean Smile

When it comes to oral health, dental cleanings are essential to maintaining healthy teeth and gums. However, many people are not aware of the additional benefits that dental cleanings offer beyond simply cleaning the teeth. Regular dental cleanings can prevent serious dental problems and improve overall health. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of dental cleanings beyond just a clean smile and why patients at Friendly Dental in Aberdeen, NJ should prioritize their routine cleanings.

Preventing Cavities

Dental cleanings are crucial in preventing cavities. Even with regular brushing and flossing, it’s easy to miss those hard-to-reach places in the mouth. A professional dental cleaning will remove any build-up of tartar and plaque that could lead to cavities. Our Aberdeen dentist can also detect any signs of decay or damage during the cleaning, preventing the cavity from worsening.

Gum Disease Prevention

If tartar and plaque are left to build up, it can lead to gum disease. During your dental cleaning, our dentist near you will carefully examine your gums to check for any signs of gum disease. If the disease is detected early on, it can be treated before it progresses and leads to more serious dental issues.

Improving Overall Health

It’s not just your oral health that benefits from dental cleanings; your overall health can also improve. Studies show that poor oral health has been linked to heart disease, stroke, and other serious medical conditions. By keeping your oral health in check, you can decrease your risk of developing these systemic conditions.

Early Detection of Oral Cancer

During a dental cleaning, your dentist will also perform an oral cancer screening. Early detection of oral cancer can save lives, and your dentist is often the first line of defense in noticing any irregularities. Regular dental cleanings increase the chances of catching oral cancer early on and provide a better chance of successful treatment.

Save Money in the Long Run

We all know that dental work can be expensive. However, regular dental cleanings can save you money in the long run. By preventing dental issues such as cavities and gum disease, you avoid costly restorative procedures in the future. Plus, dental insurance providers often cover the cost of routine cleanings, saving you money out of pocket.

Contact Us Today For Preventative Dentistry!

Dental cleanings are an essential part of maintaining oral health, but it is important to remember the additional benefits they offer beyond a clean smile. By preventing cavities and gum disease, improving overall health, detecting oral cancer early, and saving money in the long run, dental cleanings should not be overlooked. Schedule your dental cleaning today at Friendly Dental in Aberdeen, NJ and experience the benefits yourself.