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When To Get A Dental  Crown

When To Get A Dental Crown

Preserving Your Smile: Understanding the Right Time for Dental Crowns in Aberdeen, NJ

As the best dentist in Aberdeen, NJ, Friendly Dental is dedicated to helping our patients preserve their smiles for a lifetime. Dental crowns are crucial for comprehensive dental care and knowing the right time for them can significantly impact oral health.

What are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns, also known as caps, are custom-made restorations that cover and protect damaged, weak, or misshapen teeth. They are designed to restore the tooth’s shape, size, strength, and appearance, providing long-term support and stability. Dental crowns can be made from materials like porcelain, ceramic, metal, or a combination to match your natural teeth.

When Are Dental Crowns Necessary?

  1. Protection of a Weak Tooth: If a tooth is weakened, a dental crown can protect it and prevent further damage.
  2. Restoration of a Broken or Chipped Tooth: Dental crowns restore broken or chipped teeth, preventing further damage and enhancing appearance.
  3. Coverage of a Dental Implant: Dental crowns are used to cover dental implants, serving as the visible part of the replacement tooth and seamlessly blending in with the rest of your smile.
  4. Support for a Large Filling: When a tooth has a large filling, it can become vulnerable to fractures. A dental crown provides support and stability, ensuring the longevity of the tooth.
  5. Improvement of Aesthetic Appearance: A dental crown can improve the look of discolored, misshapen, or poorly aligned teeth, restoring your smile’s natural beauty.

The Best Time for Dental Crowns

The right time for dental crowns varies depending on the individual’s oral health needs. However, there are common scenarios when dental crowns become necessary for preserving the health and appearance of your smile:

  1. After a Root Canal Treatment: Following a root canal, a dental crown is often recommended to protect the treated tooth from further damage and restore its functionality.
  2. Following Tooth Damage: If you experience tooth damage due to trauma, decay, or wear, seeking prompt dental care is crucial. Dental crowns can effectively restore and protect the damaged tooth, preventing complications in the future.
  3. Large Fillings or Weakened Teeth: A dental crown can support a large filling or weak tooth to prevent fractures and maintain integrity.
  4. Cosmetic Restoration: Dental crowns are great for cosmetic restoration, especially for improving the appearance of discolored, misshapen, or damaged teeth.

Contact Us

Preserving your smile with dental crowns is a valuable investment in your oral health and overall well-being. At Friendly Dental in Aberdeen, NJ, we’re committed to giving you a lasting, beautiful smile. Top dentist in Aberdeen, NJ, dedicated to exceptional dental care and helping you decide if dental crowns are right for you. If you believe that dental crowns may be the right solution for your dental needs, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our experienced dental team. Together, we can create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your concerns and helps you achieve the smile you deserve. Contact Friendly Dental today to learn about our dental crown services and start preserving your smile for years to come.