The Role of Inlays and Onlays

The Role of Inlays and Onlays

The Role of Inlays and  Onlays

The Role of Inlays and Onlays

Preserving Your Smile’s Integrity: Understanding the Vital Role of Inlays and Onlays at Our Aberdeen, NJ Practice

Maintaining optimal oral health involves more than just brushing and flossing regularly. It requires understanding the various dental treatments available to preserve your smile’s integrity for years to come. At Friendly Dental in Aberdeen, NJ, we focus on restoring teeth effectively with advanced treatments like inlays and onlays.

What are Inlays and Onlays?

Inlays and onlays are dental restorations used to repair teeth that have moderate to severe decay or damage, providing a more conservative approach than crowns. These restorations are custom-made in a dental laboratory to fit precisely into the prepared cavity or onto the tooth’s surface.

Inlays: Dentists use inlays when damage or decay extends within the cusps (bumps) of the tooth but does not extend over them. Dentists bond them into place within the prepared cavity, strengthening the tooth and restoring its shape and function.

Onlays: Dentists use onlays, also known as partial crowns, when the damage or decay extends beyond the cusps of the tooth. They cover one or more cusps and restore more of the tooth’s structure while preserving natural tooth material compared to crowns.

Why Choose Inlays and Onlays?

  1. Conservative Treatment Approach: Inlays and onlays preserve more natural tooth structure than crowns, making them a conservative option.

  2. Durability: Inlays and onlays, made from durable materials like porcelain or composite resin, strengthen restored teeth to endure biting forces for years.

  3. Aesthetics: Materials for inlays and onlays match your natural tooth color, blending seamlessly with your smile. This makes them an excellent choice for visible teeth where appearance is a priority.

  4. Preservation of Tooth Structure: Inlays and onlays preserve natural tooth structure, maintaining smile integrity and reducing future dental issues.

The Process at Friendly Dental

At Friendly Dental in Aberdeen, NJ, we commit to providing tailored dental care that meets your needs. Here’s what you can expect when getting inlays or onlays at our practice:

1. Consultation and Examination: Our experienced team, led by the best dentist in Aberdeen, NJ, will thoroughly examine your teeth and discuss your dental concerns and treatment options. We take the time to understand your goals and ensure we inform you about each step of the process.

2. Treatment Planning: If inlays or onlays are recommended, we will create a personalized treatment plan based on your oral health needs. This plan includes selecting the most appropriate material for your restorations and scheduling your treatment appointments.

3. Tooth Preparation: During your appointment, we will prepare the affected tooth by removing any decayed or damaged areas. We will take impressions of your teeth to ensure the custom-fit of your inlay or onlay.

4. Custom Fabrication: Your inlay or onlay will be fabricated in a dental laboratory using high-quality materials chosen for their durability and aesthetics. This process ensures that your restoration fits perfectly and blends seamlessly with your natural teeth.

5. Placement and Bonding: Once your inlay or onlay is ready, we will place it onto your tooth and ensure the fit and bite are comfortable and functional. Dentists then securely bond the restoration into place, providing long-lasting protection and support to your tooth.

6. Final Adjustments and Care Instructions: We will make any necessary adjustments to ensure your bite feels natural and comfortable. Our team will also provide you with aftercare instructions to maintain the longevity and integrity of your new restoration.

Experience Exceptional Dental Care in Aberdeen, NJ

At Friendly Dental, our commitment to excellence and patient-centered care sets us apart as the best dentist in Aberdeen, NJ. Our team dedicates itself to achieving your optimal oral health and confident smile, whether through inlays, onlays, or any dental treatment. If you’re ready to preserve your smile’s integrity with advanced dental treatments, schedule a consultation with Friendly Dental today. Discover why patients trust our personalized, compassionate dental care in Aberdeen, NJ. Contact us now to embark on your journey to a healthier, more beautiful smile with Friendly Dental.