Restore Your Smile with Dental Implants

Restore Your Smile with Dental Implants

Restore Your Smile with Dental Implants

Restore Your Smile with Dental Implants

Restore Your Smile with Dental Implants: Permanent Solutions for Missing Teeth

Losing a tooth can be a distressing experience, affecting not just your smile but also your confidence and oral health. Fortunately, advancements in dental technology have paved the way for a permanent solution: dental implants. At Friendly Dental in Aberdeen, NJ, we’re dedicated to top-tier dental care and understand the impact of missing teeth. Join us as we explore the transformative benefits of dental implants and how they can restore your smile and confidence.

Understanding Dental Implants

Dental implants are titanium posts surgically placed into the jawbone beneath the gum line to serve as artificial tooth roots. Once integrated with the bone, they provide a sturdy foundation for replacement teeth such as crowns, bridges, or dentures. Dental implants provide a permanent, natural-looking solution for missing teeth, unlike traditional bridges or dentures.

The Advantages of Dental Implants

Permanent Solution

One of the most significant benefits of dental implants is their longevity. With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime, making them a permanent solution for missing teeth. Unlike dentures or bridges, dental implants fuse with the jawbone, becoming a natural part of your mouth without the need for frequent adjustments. This stability and durability offer peace of mind, knowing that your smile is restored for the long term.

Natural Look and Feel

Dental implants closely resemble natural teeth, both in appearance and function. Implants’ replacement teeth match your existing teeth seamlessly for a natural smile. With implants, you can confidently eat, speak, and smile, feeling like your real teeth.

Preservation of Bone Health

Tooth loss can lead to bone deterioration, affecting facial structure and oral health. Dental implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss and preserving its strength and integrity. Implants maintain bone health, preserving facial contours and preventing future dental issues.

Improved Oral Health

Implants don’t compromise adjacent teeth like traditional bridges. This preserves the natural tooth structure and promotes better oral health in the long run. Implants are easier to clean than dentures, lowering the risk of oral infections.

Why Choose Friendly Dental for Dental Implants?

At Friendly Dental, we take pride in being recognized as the best dentist in Aberdeen, NJ, and we’re committed to delivering exceptional care and results to our patients. When you choose us for dental implants, you can expect:

Expertise and Experience

Our team of skilled dentists has extensive experience in placing and restoring dental implants. We utilize the latest techniques and technologies to ensure precise placement and optimal outcomes for our patients. From initial consultation to final restoration, we’ll guide you through every step of the process with care and expertise.

Personalized Treatment Plans

We tailor treatment plans to your unique needs and goals. We customize treatment plans for single tooth replacement or full-mouth restoration to achieve desired results.

Compassionate Care

At Friendly Dental, we prioritize patient comfort and satisfaction above all else. We aim to make every visit positive and stress-free with our welcoming environment and compassionate staff. We listen, answer questions, and empower you throughout your implant journey.

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

Considering dental implants for missing teeth? Contact Friendly Dental, Aberdeen’s top dentist. Our team is here to help you restore your smile and confidence with permanent dental implants. Schedule your consultation today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier smile!

Exploring Dental Implants

Exploring Dental Implants

Exploring Dental  Implants

Exploring Dental Implants

Exploring Dental Implants: Natural-Looking and Long-Lasting Tooth Replacement Options

In the realm of modern dentistry, dental implants stand as the pinnacle of innovation, offering patients a natural-looking and long-lasting solution for tooth replacement. At Friendly Dental, our commitment to providing top-tier dental care extends to offering the best dental implants in Aberdeen, NJ.

Understanding Dental Implants

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of titanium that are surgically implanted into the jawbone beneath the gum line. Once in place, they provide a sturdy foundation for replacement teeth such as crowns, bridges, or dentures. Unlike traditional dentures or bridges, dental implants are designed to fuse with the jawbone, offering unparalleled stability and functionality.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Natural Appearance

Dental implants excel in mimicking the appearance and sensation of real teeth. Implants’ replacement teeth blend flawlessly with your smile, matching in shape, size, and color. Implants let you smile, speak, and eat confidently, as if your teeth were natural.


Implants last a lifetime with proper care, unlike dentures or bridges that require frequent replacement. Since implants fuse with the jawbone, they become a permanent part of your oral anatomy, providing unparalleled durability and stability. With regular dental care and good oral hygiene, implants provide a lasting solution for tooth loss.

Improved Oral Health

Implants preserve jawbone density, promoting overall oral health beyond just replacing missing teeth. Tooth loss can lead to bone deterioration, affecting facial structure and causing oral health problems. Dental implants stimulate the jawbone, helping to maintain its strength and integrity and preserving the natural contours of the face.

Enhanced Comfort and Functionality

Implants offer stability and comfort compared to traditional dentures. With implants, you can enjoy your favorite foods without restrictions and speak with clarity and confidence. Implants integrate naturally, ensuring comfortable chewing and biting without slipping.

Why Choose Friendly Dental for Dental Implants?

At Friendly Dental, we’re committed to delivering exceptional care as Aberdeen, NJ’s best dentist. When you choose us for dental implants, you can expect:

Expertise and Experience

Our team of highly skilled dentists has extensive experience in placing and restoring dental implants. We utilize the latest techniques and technologies to ensure precise placement and optimal outcomes for our patients. From initial consultation to final restoration, we’ll guide you through every step of the process with care and expertise.

Personalized Treatment Plans

We customize treatment plans to meet your unique needs and goals. We’ll develop a customized plan to meet your needs, whether it’s a single tooth replacement or a full-mouth restoration.

Compassionate Care

At Friendly Dental, we prioritize patient comfort and satisfaction above all else. We aim for a positive, stress-free experience with our welcoming environment and caring staff. We’ll listen, answer your questions, and keep you informed and empowered during your implant journey.

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

Considering dental implants for tooth loss? Contact Friendly Dental, Aberdeen’s best dentist. Our team is here to help you achieve the smile of your dreams with natural-looking and long-lasting dental implants. Schedule your consultation today and take the first step toward a healthier, happier smile!

Tooth Replacement Options

Tooth Replacement Options

Tooth Replacement Options

Tooth Replacement Options

Revitalize Your Smile: Exploring Tooth Replacement Options with Friendly Dental in Aberdeen

A complete and confident smile is a key component of overall well-being. When tooth loss occurs, it can impact not only aesthetics but also oral function and self-esteem. Friendly Dental, recognized as the best dentist in Aberdeen, understands the importance of restoring a full and healthy smile. 

The Impact of Tooth Loss

  1. Aesthetic Concerns: Missing teeth can affect the aesthetics of your smile, leading to self-consciousness and a diminished sense of confidence. Friendly Dental recognizes the impact of aesthetics on well-being and offers tailored solutions to address these concerns.

  2. Functional Implications: Beyond aesthetics, tooth loss can compromise oral function. Chewing, speaking, and even facial structure can be affected. Friendly Dental’s tooth replacement options aim to restore not only the appearance but also the functionality of your smile.

Tooth Replacement Options Offered by Friendly Dental

  1. Dental Implants: Dental implants are titanium posts surgically placed into the jawbone, acting as artificial tooth roots.

    • Advantages:
      • High success rate and durability.
      • Natural appearance and feel.
      • Preserves jawbone density.
    • Procedure:
      • Initial consultation and assessment.
      • Implant placement surgery.
      • Healing period for osseointegration.
      • Placement of the abutment and restoration (crown, bridge, or denture).
  2. Dental Bridges: Dental bridges consist of artificial teeth (pontics) attached to adjacent natural teeth or dental implants.

    • Advantages:
      • Restores multiple missing teeth.
      • Improves oral function and aesthetics.
      • Non-removable and secure.
    • Procedure:
      • Preparation of adjacent teeth or implant placement.
      • Impressions for bridge fabrication.
      • Temporary bridge placement during fabrication.
      • Permanent bridge placement.
  3. Dentures: Dentures are removable prosthetic devices that replace multiple or all missing teeth on the upper or lower arch.

    • Advantages:
      • Restores a full arch of missing teeth.
      • Cost-effective option.
      • Improves aesthetics and function.
    • Procedure:
      • Impression-taking for denture fabrication.
      • Multiple appointments for fitting and adjustments.
      • Periodic adjustments as needed.

The Friendly Dental Approach

  1. Comprehensive Consultation: Before recommending a tooth replacement option, Friendly Dental conducts a comprehensive consultation. This includes a thorough examination of your oral health, evaluation of bone density, and discussions about your goals and preferences.

  2. Personalized Treatment Plans: Each patient is unique, and Friendly Dental creates personalized treatment plans based on individual needs. Whether you opt for dental implants, bridges, dentures, or All-on-4®, the treatment plan is tailored to achieve the best results for your smile.

  3. State-of-the-Art Technology: Friendly Dental employs state-of-the-art technology, including digital impressions, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), and CAD/CAM systems. These technologies enhance the precision and efficiency of tooth replacement procedures.

  4. Comfortable and Supportive Environment: Recognizing that dental procedures can be intimidating, Friendly Dental ensures a comfortable and supportive environment. The team prioritizes patient comfort, addressing any concerns and providing guidance throughout the tooth replacement journey.

Benefits of Tooth Replacement with Friendly Dental

  1. Enhanced Aesthetics: Tooth replacement at Friendly Dental restores the natural appearance of your smile, boosting your confidence and overall aesthetic appeal.

  2. Improved Oral Function: Whether through dental implants, bridges, or dentures, tooth replacement enhances oral function, allowing for improved chewing, speaking, and overall functionality.

  3. Preservation of Oral Health: Dental implants, in particular, contribute to the preservation of jawbone density, preventing bone loss associated with tooth loss.

  4. Long-Term Durability: Tooth replacement options provided by Friendly Dental are designed for durability and longevity, ensuring a lasting solution for your smile.

Contact Us!

Friendly Dental in Aberdeen is your trusted partner in revitalizing your smile through effective and personalized tooth replacement options. Whether you choose dental implants, bridges, or dentures, Friendly Dental’s commitment to excellence, patient-centric approach, and state-of-the-art technology ensure that your journey to a complete and confident smile is both seamless and rewarding. Schedule your consultation today and rediscover the joy of a revitalized smile with Friendly Dental, the best dentist in Aberdeen.

Dental Implants for Missing Teeth

Why dental implants are the ideal replacement for missing teeth?

Dental Implants for Missing Teeth  

Why dental implants are the ideal replacement for missing teeth?

Why dental implants are the ideal replacement for missing teeth?

Losing a tooth or multiple teeth can be stressful and embarrassing. However, advancements in dental technology have revolutionized tooth replacement options. Dental implants have fast become the go-to option for people wanting to replace missing teeth for various reasons. Unlike dentures, dental implants are long-standing and look, feel, and function like natural teeth.

Dental Implants Are Durable

Dental implants are made of titanium metal, a robust and sturdy material that is known for its strength and durability. When it comes to tooth replacement options, dental implants can last up to 25 years or longer with proper care. Unlike other tooth replacement options like dentures, which require frequent repairs and maintenance, dental implants are virtually maintenance-free. Dental implants are, therefore, a worthwhile investment that can offer value for money in the long run.

Function Like Natural Teeth

One of the biggest advantages of dental implants is they look, feel, and function like natural teeth. Dental implants are attached to the jawbone, which means they stay in place while you eat, talk, or smile. Unlike dentures, dental implants are not prone to slipping or clicking when speaking or chewing. Dental implants are, therefore, a reliable option for people with missing teeth who want to speak, eat, and smile with confidence.

Dental Implants Promote Oral Health

Missing teeth can have a devastating impact on your oral health. When you have a missing tooth, the surrounding teeth can shift out of place, and your jawbone may start to deteriorate. Dental implants, however, help maintain and protect your oral health. They stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss that can lead to further tooth loss. Dental implants also help retain the natural shape of your face and prevent wrinkles or sunken cheeks caused by tooth loss.

Offer a Permanent Solution

Dental implants are a permanent solution to replace missing teeth. Unlike other tooth replacement options that need to be taken out for cleaning or replaced every few years, dental implants remain in place and don’t require any extra maintenance. This means that you won’t have to worry about replacing them in the future, which saves you time and money in the long run.

Enhance Your Quality of Life

Dental implants are an ideal tooth replacement option that can enhance your quality of life. When you have dental implants, you no longer have to worry about social stigma and embarrassment caused by missing teeth. You can eat the foods you love, speak with confidence, and smile without any worries. Dental implants can improve your self-esteem and boost your confidence.

Contact Us Today!

Dental implants are a remarkable solution for tooth replacement that can last a lifetime. They offer a permanent, reliable, and practical solution to missing teeth. Dental implants can improve oral health, enhance your quality of life, and help you maintain and restore your natural smile. If you’re experiencing tooth loss, consider dental implants as a long-term solution that offers a range of benefits. At Friendly Dental, we specialize in dental implants and will guide you through the entire process to ensure you get the right solution. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

Dental Implant FAQs

Dental Implant FAQs

Dental Implant FAQs

Dental Implant FAQs

Frequently Asked Dental Implant Questions

Are you looking for a dentist in Aberdeen, NJ to answer your questions about dental implants? Look no further! At our facility, we have been providing expert dental care through the use of dental implant techniques for many years. We understand the fear and confusion that comes with considering this type of permanent solution tooth replacement option, so we’ve put together some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to help you better understand what’s involved.

What are dental implants and how do they work

Dental implants are a miraculous innovation that have revolutionized the field of dentistry. They are essentially artificial teeth roots that are placed into the jawbone as the foundation for replacement teeth. What’s great about dental implants is that they look, feel and function just like natural teeth. They are also incredibly sturdy and long-lasting, making them an attractive option for those seeking a permanent solution to missing teeth. The implant process involves inserting a small metal screw into the bone tissue where the root of the tooth used to be. After a short healing period, a replacement tooth can be secured to the implant. With such a simple yet effective procedure, it’s no wonder dental implants are quickly becoming the go-to option for dental restoration.

Why get dental implants over other tooth replacement options

When it comes to tooth replacement options, there are a few choices out there. But why settle for anything less than the best? Dental implants offer a variety of advantages that set them apart from other alternatives. First and foremost, they are the closest you can get to your original teeth in terms of both appearance and functionality. They are also incredibly durable and long-lasting, with the potential to last a lifetime with proper care. In addition, dental implants don’t require any special maintenance, nor do they interfere with your ability to eat, speak, or smile confidently. With all these benefits and more, it’s no wonder why so many people choose dental implants over other options.

Who is a good candidate for dental implants

Are you considering dental implants as a solution to replace your missing teeth? If so, you may be wondering who is a good candidate for this procedure. The truth is that, as long as you have a healthy and strong jawbone and gums, and you are willing to commit to the aftercare that comes along with dental implant surgery, you could be an excellent candidate for dental implants. Whether you lost teeth due to injury, decay, or gum disease, implants can provide a long-lasting and natural-looking solution that can improve your quality of life and boost your confidence. So why not schedule a consultation with your dentist today to explore if dental implants are the right choice for you? Your new smile is waiting!

What type of results can I expect from dental implants

If you are considering dental implants, you may be wondering what type of results you can expect. Well, let us tell you – the results can be absolutely life-changing. Dental implants provide a permanent solution for missing teeth, allowing you to smile confidently and enjoy your favorite foods once again. Implants are designed to look, feel, and function just like natural teeth, and they are incredibly durable and long-lasting. With proper care, your implants can last a lifetime. So, say goodbye to the discomfort and embarrassment of missing teeth, and hello to a whole new world of confidence and comfort. Dental implants are truly a game-changer!

How long will my dental implant last

Dental implants have become a popular choice for people who want to replace missing teeth. And one of the most common questions people have is how long their dental implant will last. The good news is that dental implants are designed to be a long-term solution. With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last a lifetime. Of course, the longevity of your implant will depend on various factors like your overall health and oral hygiene practices. But, with advances in dental technology and materials, dental implants are more reliable than ever before. So, if you’re considering a dental implant, rest assured that it’s a smart investment in your oral health and a solution that you can count on for years to come.

Are there any risks associated with getting a dental implant

Dental implants have become a highly sought-after solution for people who are looking to replace their missing teeth. They not only improve the appearance of your smile but also boost your overall oral health and self-confidence. When it comes to the question of whether or not there are any risks associated with getting a dental implant, the answer is that any surgery, even a minor one, carries some amount of risk. However, the risks associated with dental implants are minimal and extremely rare. When performed by an experienced and skilled dental professional, the procedure is considered safe and effective. In fact, dental implants have a success rate of over 95%! With proper care and maintenance, your dental implant can last decades and give you a lifetime of smiles.

Contact Us Today

The pursuit of a healthy, beautiful smile should never be delayed and dental implants are an amazing option to consider if you’re missing or have damaged teeth. Dental implants offer an array of benefits ranging from improved oral health to a renewed feeling of confidence. Clinically proven to last for decades, they offer a low maintenance solution for replacing missing teeth. Plus, with the advancements in technology today, the whole procedure is minimally invasive with less-swelling and recovery time than before! No matter what your tooth replacement needs are, it’s important to understand your options and stay informed on all the potential risks associated with the procedure. Remember to always consult with your dentist or other medical professional before making any decisions regarding tooth replacement options. If you believe that dental implants may be right for you, contact us today at Friendly Dental to schedule an appointment with our team!

The Benefits of Having Dental Implants

Get to Know the Benefits of Having Dental Implants

The Benefits of Having  Dental Implants

Get to Know the Benefits of Having Dental Implants

Get to Know the Benefits of Having Dental Implants

Are you in need of a dentist near Aberdeen, NJ? If so, you’re likely trying to figure out what kind of solution would be best for your dental needs. Well, the advancement of today’s dentistry has made it possible to provide an array of services and treatments that can help restore and maintain the function and aesthetics of our teeth. Dental implants are one such innovative technological breakthrough that has become increasingly popular over recent years due to their effectiveness at restoring missing or damaged teeth while helping create beautiful smiles along with improved oral health. Keep reading this blog post to learn more about all the amazing benefits of having dental implants!

What are dental implants and why are they beneficial

Dental implants are a revolutionary solution for those seeking a long-lasting and natural-looking tooth replacement option. These implants are made from biocompatible materials, such as titanium, and are surgically inserted into the jaw to serve as a sturdy foundation for a prosthetic tooth or dental bridge. One of the biggest benefits of dental implants is their durability and ability to mimic the appearance and function of natural teeth. Not only can dental implants help restore your smile and boost your confidence, but they can also improve your overall oral health by preventing bone loss and reducing the risk of gum disease. With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime and provide a comfortable and reliable solution for those with missing teeth.

Advantages of having dental implants

Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about your missing teeth? Dental implants may be the solution you’ve been searching for. Not only do they improve your appearance, but they also provide functional benefits. Since implants are permanently attached to your jawbone, they act and feel like natural teeth. This means you can eat your favorite foods without worrying about painful chewing or shifting dentures. Plus, implants are designed to last for decades, so you won’t have to constantly replace them like you might with other dental procedures. Say goodbye to missing teeth and hello to a confident smile with dental implants.

The basics of getting dental implants

If you’ve been considering dental implants, you’ve probably heard about how they can restore your smile and improve your overall oral health. But what exactly are dental implants, and how do they work? Put simply, a dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is placed into your jawbone to act as a stable anchor for a replacement tooth or bridge. The implant is usually made of titanium, a material that is biocompatible with your body and won’t be rejected. What’s great about dental implants is that they are a permanent solution that looks and functions just like natural teeth. With proper care, they can last a lifetime, making them a worthwhile investment in your oral health and quality of life. So if you’re ready to take the first step in getting dental implants, talk to your dentist today and let them help you achieve the smile you deserve.

Different types of dental implants available

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, dental implants are a fantastic option. There are several types of dental implants available, each designed to suit different needs. Endosteal implants are the most common type and are placed into the jawbone. Subperiosteal implants, on the other hand, are placed beneath the gum but above the jawbone. For those with little jawbone tissue, zygomatic implants may be recommended. And, for full mouth restoration, all-on-4 implants can be used. Whatever the case, dental implants provide a long-lasting and natural-looking solution to missing teeth.

How to maintain your dental implants for long-term use

Dental implants have become a popular choice for those looking to replace missing teeth. Proper care and maintenance are essential if you want to ensure the long-term use of your implants. Luckily, caring for implants is not difficult. Brushing and flossing regularly are key to keeping the area clean, but other steps can be taken to ensure their longevity. Avoiding hard foods and sugary drinks and quitting smoking are all excellent ways to keep your implants in good condition. It may take some effort to maintain your dental implants, but your beautiful smile and improved quality of life will be worth it in the end.

Questions to ask your dentist before getting a dental implant

If you’re considering getting a dental implant, it’s important to have all the information you need before making a decision. Asking your dentist questions can help alleviate any concerns or uncertainties you may have. Some questions to consider asking include: What is the success rate for dental implants? What is the expected recovery time? Will I need sedation during the procedure? How long will the implant last? By asking these questions, you can be confident in your decision to get a dental implant and enjoy a healthy, beautiful smile for years to come.

Contact Us Today

Dental implants are a great option for restoring lost teeth and providing improved gum health. From replacement teeth to better-fitting dentures, dental implants offer numerous advantages and benefits to their recipients. Taking proper care of these implants is essential in order to extend their life and keep them functioning properly for many years to come. Before getting any kind of implant, however, be sure to ask your dentist all the right questions in order to make an informed decision. By utilizing this knowledge you can get the best value out of your investment and enjoy a brighter smile for many happier years ahead. If you’d like help exploring your options when it comes to dental implants, don’t hesitate – contact us today at Friendly Dental to schedule an appointment so that we can help find the perfect solution for you.