Toothache Triggers: What Foods and Beverages to Avoid

Toothache Triggers: What Foods and Beverages to Avoid

Toothache Triggers 

Toothache Triggers: What Foods and Beverages to Avoid

Toothache Triggers: What Foods and Beverages to Avoid

Toothaches can be quite a pain to deal with, and it is never easy to pinpoint the cause of the discomfort. One of the culprits of toothaches is the food that we eat and the beverages we drink. It is essential to know what kind of food to avoid to prevent toothaches. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the food and drinks that you should avoid to keep your teeth in tip-top shape.

Sugary Foods and Beverages

Sugar is undoubtedly the number one enemy of our teeth. Consuming too much sugar in our diet can cause a lot of damage to our oral health. Sugary foods and drinks, such as soda, candy, chocolate, and cake, can lead to tooth decay and cavities. When bacteria in our mouth start to feed on the sugar, it produces acid that can erode the enamel, leading to tooth sensitivity and pain.

Acidic Fruits and Juices

Fruits and fruit juices may seem healthy, but some of them can be quite acidic, which can cause toothaches. Citric fruits, such as lemons, limes, and oranges, can wear down the enamel, causing tooth sensitivity and pain. Drinking lots of fruit juice can also be harmful, especially if it is high in sugar.

Ice and Hard Candies

Crunching down on ice or hard candy may seem harmless, but it can cause a lot of damage to your teeth. These hard substances can wear down the enamel, causing cracks and chips that expose the dentin layer of your teeth. Once the dentin is exposed, you may start to feel tooth sensitivity and pain.

Hot and Cold Beverages

Drinking hot or cold beverages may cause tooth sensitivity and pain. The sudden change in temperature can cause the enamel to expand and contract, leading to cracks and chips. If you have sensitive teeth, it is best to avoid hot or cold drinks to prevent toothaches.

Starchy Foods

Starchy foods, such as chips, bread, and pasta, can be quite harmful to our oral health. These foods tend to stick to our teeth, and if not cleaned properly, can lead to plaque build-up and tooth decay. It is best to rinse your mouth with water after eating starchy foods and make sure to brush and floss regularly.

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Toothaches can be quite a nuisance, but with proper oral care and the right diet, we can prevent them from happening. Avoiding sugary foods and drinks, acidic fruits and juices, ice and hard candies, hot and cold beverages, and starchy foods can go a long way in keeping our teeth healthy and pain-free.

As dental professionals, it is our job to educate our patients on the proper diet and oral care to maintain their oral health. If you have any concerns about your oral health or need more information on how to prevent toothaches, feel free to reach out to your Aberdeen dentist. Friendly Dental in Aberdeen NJ is always here to help you achieve optimal oral health.

Types of Tooth Replacements and Which One is Right for You

Types of Tooth Replacements and Which One is Right for You

Types of  Tooth Replacements

Types of Tooth Replacements and Which One is Right for You

Types of Tooth Replacements and Which One is Right for You

Losing a tooth can be a traumatic experience, and it can have a significant impact on your overall dental health. Whether you have lost a tooth as a result of an injury or due to decay, it is essential to consider replacement options carefully. With so many tooth replacement options available today, it can be challenging to determine which one is right for you. Fortunately, at Friendly Dental in Aberdeen NJ, our dental experts can help guide you in making the best decision for your dental needs.

Here are the most common types of tooth replacements and which one is right for you:


Dentures are removable teeth prosthetics that replace missing teeth. They are available in partial or full dentures, depending on the number of teeth that need replacing. Dentures can restore your smile, improve your chewing ability, and prevent the remaining teeth from shifting. While they are an affordable option, they may not be as long-lasting as other tooth replacement options.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are prosthetics that use the neighboring teeth as anchors to hold the prosthetic tooth in place. Dental bridges offer a more permanent solution to replacement, particularly for patients who have lost only one or two teeth. They can improve the appearance of your smile, improve speech, and prevent your natural teeth from shifting.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are surgically implanted into your jawbone to provide a strong and long-lasting foundation for replacement teeth. Implants are more expensive than other options, but they offer the most natural-looking and permanent solution. They also prevent bone loss in your jaw that can occur when a tooth is missing.

Removable Partial Dentures

Removable Partial Dentures are a prosthetic solution that replaces a few missing teeth. Unlike full dentures, they attach to your remaining teeth with clasps or a metal frame. Removable Partial Dentures are a budget-friendly option for patients who do not want surgery.

Contact Us Today About What Your Options Are!

Choosing the right tooth replacement option is crucial for your dental health and overall well-being. At Friendly Dental in Aberdeen NJ, we understand that each patient is unique, and we offer personalized solutions to fit your individual needs. If you are in need of a tooth replacement, please feel free to contact us for more information and to schedule a consultation.

The Benefits of Dental Cleanings In Aberdeen NJ

The Benefits of Dental Cleanings: Beyond Just a Clean Smile

The Benefits of  Dental Cleanings

The Benefits of Dental Cleanings: Beyond Just a Clean Smile

The Benefits of Dental Cleanings: Beyond Just a Clean Smile

When it comes to oral health, dental cleanings are essential to maintaining healthy teeth and gums. However, many people are not aware of the additional benefits that dental cleanings offer beyond simply cleaning the teeth. Regular dental cleanings can prevent serious dental problems and improve overall health. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of dental cleanings beyond just a clean smile and why patients at Friendly Dental in Aberdeen, NJ should prioritize their routine cleanings.

Preventing Cavities

Dental cleanings are crucial in preventing cavities. Even with regular brushing and flossing, it’s easy to miss those hard-to-reach places in the mouth. A professional dental cleaning will remove any build-up of tartar and plaque that could lead to cavities. Our Aberdeen dentist can also detect any signs of decay or damage during the cleaning, preventing the cavity from worsening.

Gum Disease Prevention

If tartar and plaque are left to build up, it can lead to gum disease. During your dental cleaning, our dentist near you will carefully examine your gums to check for any signs of gum disease. If the disease is detected early on, it can be treated before it progresses and leads to more serious dental issues.

Improving Overall Health

It’s not just your oral health that benefits from dental cleanings; your overall health can also improve. Studies show that poor oral health has been linked to heart disease, stroke, and other serious medical conditions. By keeping your oral health in check, you can decrease your risk of developing these systemic conditions.

Early Detection of Oral Cancer

During a dental cleaning, your dentist will also perform an oral cancer screening. Early detection of oral cancer can save lives, and your dentist is often the first line of defense in noticing any irregularities. Regular dental cleanings increase the chances of catching oral cancer early on and provide a better chance of successful treatment.

Save Money in the Long Run

We all know that dental work can be expensive. However, regular dental cleanings can save you money in the long run. By preventing dental issues such as cavities and gum disease, you avoid costly restorative procedures in the future. Plus, dental insurance providers often cover the cost of routine cleanings, saving you money out of pocket.

Contact Us Today For Preventative Dentistry!

Dental cleanings are an essential part of maintaining oral health, but it is important to remember the additional benefits they offer beyond a clean smile. By preventing cavities and gum disease, improving overall health, detecting oral cancer early, and saving money in the long run, dental cleanings should not be overlooked. Schedule your dental cleaning today at Friendly Dental in Aberdeen, NJ and experience the benefits yourself.

How to Effectively Prevent Gum Disease

How to Effectively Prevent Gum Disease

How to Effectively Prevent Gum Disease

How to Effectively Prevent Gum Disease

How to Effectively Prevent Gum Disease – Tips from Your Aberdeen NJ Dentist

Did you know that gum disease affects over half of adults in the United States? Gum disease is a serious dental health condition that occurs when bacteria in your mouth irritate your gums, causing them to become red, swollen, and bleed easily. If left untreated, gum disease can progress and lead to tooth loss, bad breath, and even systemic health issues like heart disease and diabetes. But there’s good news! Gum disease is highly preventable with proper oral care. In this blog post, we will go over some tips from your Aberdeen NJ dentist on how to effectively prevent gum disease.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

The best way to prevent gum disease is to brush twice a day and floss once a day. Brushing helps remove plaque, a film of bacteria that forms on your teeth and gums. Flossing helps remove plaque and food particles in areas that your toothbrush can’t reach. Make sure to brush for two minutes and use a soft-bristled toothbrush. Replace your toothbrush every three to four months or sooner if the bristles become frayed.

Schedule Regular Dental Checkups

It’s important to see your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings every six months. During your checkup, your dentist will check for signs of gum disease and other dental health issues. Your dental hygienist will also clean your teeth to remove plaque and tartar buildup.

Limit Sugary and Starchy Foods

The bacteria in your mouth feed off sugar and starch, which can promote the development of plaque. Try to limit your intake of sugary and starchy foods and choose healthier options like fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.

Quit Smoking

Smoking weakens your immune system, making it harder for your body to fight off infections like gum disease. It also increases your risk for oral and systemic health issues. If you smoke, talk to your dentist or doctor about options to quit.

Use Antimicrobial Mouthwash

An antimicrobial mouthwash can help reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth and prevent gum disease. Look for a mouthwash that contains an active ingredient like chlorhexidine or essential oils like thyme, eucalyptus, or tea tree oil.

Contact Us Today To Schedule An Appointment!

Preventing gum disease is essential for maintaining good oral and overall health. By practicing good oral hygiene, scheduling regular dental checkups, limiting sugary and starchy foods, quitting smoking, and using antimicrobial mouthwash, you can effectively prevent gum disease. If you have any questions about preventing gum disease or would like to schedule a checkup and cleaning with your Aberdeen NJ dentist, don’t hesitate to contact Friendly Dental today!

How Safe Are Dental X-Rays?

How Safe Are Dental X-Rays?

How Safe Are Dental  X-Rays?

How Safe Are Dental X-Rays?

How Safe Are Dental X-Rays?

When you visit the dentist near you, you are likely to encounter dental x-rays as part of your routine checkup. While these scans prove to be very beneficial in identifying underlying oral health issues, the question of safety still lingers in many minds. Are dental x-rays safe? As a patient in Aberdeen NJ getting your dental treatments from Friendly Dental, this blog will shed light on the safety of dental x-rays and what you can do to protect yourself.

Dental x-rays are considered safe for patients of all ages when conducted with minimal precautions. The levels of radiation emitted during dental x-rays are quite minimal and pose no immediate threat to patients. That being said, there are concerns that prolonged exposure to radiation could lead to some issues. However, dental x-rays require very short periods to capture images, so the exposure that patients receive is minimal.

In addition to this, dental offices all have protective measures to ensure that patients are safe. For example, dentists and their assistants wear lead aprons, thyroid collars, and other protective gear throughout your visit. Besides that, the equipment used to perform dental x-rays is designed to prevent exposure to radiation, with modern dentists employing digital technology for scanning, a safe alternative that reduces the exposure to radiation by up to 90%.

The frequency with which you receive dental x-rays determines the degree of potential risk. According to the American Dental Association, dental x-rays are common and essential procedures that are designed to help dentists identify issues such as cavities, decay, and gum disease, among others. They recommend that adults receive dental x-rays every 2-3 years, while children receiving similar treatments get checked every one to two years.

As a patient of Friendly Dental in Aberdeen, NJ, you can be sure that your dentist always places your safety first. However, you can also take some measures to reduce your exposure to radiation. If you’re pregnant or think you may be pregnant, make sure to inform your dentist about it. They may decide to postpone the x-ray to reduce any possible exposure. Standard x-rays do not pose a threat to adults, but radiation might accumulate after receiving multiple x-rays frequently.

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Radiation is an unfavorable term for many people, and the exposure of patients to radiations while getting dental x-rays makes many people worried. However, with modern dental technologies and precautionary measures, dental x-rays prove to be quite safe. Dental x-rays help your dentist detect early-stage oral health issues that may have gone unnoticed, and timely treatment can prevent significant complications. At Friendly Dental in Aberdeen NJ, we always prioritize your health and safety during your visit, so always feel free to ask any questions or raise concerns you have.

The Importance of Dental Hygiene

The Importance of Dental Hygiene

The Importance of Dental Hygiene

The Importance of Dental Hygiene

The Importance of Dental Hygiene: A Comprehensive Guide

Dental hygiene is an essential part of your overall health and plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy smile. Proper dental hygiene involves regular brushing and flossing, routine dental check-ups, and cleaning to prevent oral health problems such as cavities and gum disease. This guide will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the importance of dental hygiene in maintaining good oral health.

Prevents Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is one of the most common oral health problems that occur when bacteria in the mouth turns acids into sugar, leading to the erosion of tooth enamel. Regular brushing and flossing help remove the bacteria from your teeth before it can turn into acid, preventing tooth decay.

Prevents Gum Disease

Poor dental hygiene can lead to gum inflammation, or gingivitis, and eventually, periodontitis, the leading cause of tooth loss among adults. Regular brushing and flossing can help remove plaque buildup along your gum line, preventing gum disease.

Fresh Breath

Regular brushing and flossing help remove food particles and bacteria that lead to bad breath. Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once a day can help keep your breath fresh and clean.

Improved Overall Health

Poor dental hygiene can lead to various diseases such as pneumonia, heart disease, and stroke. The presence of bacteria in the mouth can travel to other parts of the body, leading to significant health complications. Good dental hygiene can prevent the spread of these harmful bacteria, leading to better overall health.

Helps Save Money

Preventative care, such as routine dental cleanings and checkups, are far less expensive than the costs of treating advanced dental problems such as gum disease or tooth extraction. Practicing good dental hygiene at home can also help decrease the likelihood of these more serious issues, leading to significant savings over time.

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Maintaining proper dental hygiene is essential to preventing oral health problems such as tooth decay and gum disease, which can lead to significant health complications. Regular brushing and flossing, routine dental check-ups, and cleanings can help keep your teeth and gums healthy, fresh, and clean, leading to better overall health and savings in the long run. At Friendly Dental in Aberdeen, NJ, we offer comprehensive cleaning and check-up services for patients of all ages. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and start your journey to better oral health.

Causes of Sleep Apnea

Causes of Sleep Apnea

Causes of  Sleep Apnea

Causes of Sleep Apnea

What Are The Causes of Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder affecting many people worldwide. It’s a condition that is characterized by breathing pauses and interruptions during sleep, which can last for a few seconds up to a minute. The disruption of normal breathing can occur several times in an hour, leaving you feeling tired, irritable, and sleepy during the day. While sleep apnea can occur to anyone, certain factors increase your risk of developing the disorder. This article explores the causes of sleep apnea and how you can manage or prevent it.


One of the primary causes of sleep apnea is obesity. Being overweight or obese increases the risk of obstructive sleep apnea, a type of sleep apnea, where the throat and tongue muscles relax, blocking the airflow to the lungs. Obesity leads to excessive fat buildup around the neck and throat area, which narrows the airway, making it difficult to breathe during sleep.


Genetics is another cause of sleep apnea. It’s a common condition in families, indicating that it may be genetic. Certain physical traits, such as throat structure, nasal congestion, and tongue size, can be inherited from parents, increasing the risk of developing sleep apnea.


Smoking is another cause of sleep apnea. According to research, smoking irritates the airway, causing inflammation and swelling, making it difficult for air to pass through. Smoking also increases the risk of other respiratory conditions, such as asthma and COPD, which can worsen sleep apnea symptoms.

Alcohol and Sedatives

Alcohol and sedatives are substances that can relax the throat muscles, making it difficult for air to pass through. Drinking alcohol or taking sedatives before sleep can worsen sleep apnea symptoms, leading to more breathing pauses and oxygen deprivation.


Lastly, age is another factor that can cause sleep apnea. As you get older, the muscles in the throat and airway tend to relax, leading to breathing pauses and snoring during sleep. Sleep apnea is prevalent in adults over 60 years old, and the condition is more common in men than in women.

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Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder affecting many people worldwide. Although the causes of sleep apnea are diverse, certain lifestyle changes, such as weight loss and quitting smoking, can help manage or prevent the condition. If you experience any sleep apnea symptoms, such as snoring, choking, or gasping during sleep, talk to your dentist or doctor as soon as possible. At Friendly Dental, we offer sleep apnea treatment, and we can help you manage the condition for better sleep and overall health. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

What is Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

What is Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

What is Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

What is Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

Understanding Full Mouth Rehabilitation: Restoring Your Smile in Aberdeen, NJ

Do you have missing teeth, worn-down teeth or jaw pain that’s affecting your daily life? Then, Full Mouth Rehabilitation might be the solution you’ve been looking for! This comprehensive approach can resolve all your dental issues and bring your teeth, gums, and jaws back to optimal health. In this blog, we’ll discuss everything about Full Mouth Rehabilitation, including what it is, how it works, what to expect, and its benefits. So, whether you’re suffering from dental problems or just curious about this procedure, keep reading to learn more.

First, let’s define what Full Mouth Rehabilitation is. Simply put, it’s a combination of restorative and cosmetic dental treatments that aim to rebuild or replace all of your teeth. It’s also known as full mouth reconstruction or full mouth restoration. The treatment plan is tailored to your specific oral health needs, and it may involve various dental procedures, such as dental implants, crowns, bridges, veneers, and orthodontics. The goal is to address any functional or aesthetic issues that you have and create a perfectly healthy and beautiful smile.

Next, let’s talk about how Full Mouth Rehabilitation works. The process starts with a comprehensive examination and evaluation of your mouth, teeth, and gums. Your dentist will assess the condition of your teeth, the alignment of your bite, the health of your gums, and any other potential issues. Based on this assessment, a customized treatment plan is developed that addresses all of your dental problems. This plan may involve several phases of treatment that may take several months to complete.

Let’s discuss what to expect during the Full Mouth Rehabilitation procedure. Your dentist will begin by treating any urgent issues, such as gum disease or tooth decay. They’ll also determine the need for dental implants, crowns, bridges, veneers, and braces. During the process, your dentist may use sedation techniques to keep you comfortable and relaxed. You’ll have regular check-ups to monitor your progress and make any adjustments if necessary. The end result is a new and improved smile that looks and feels great.

Finally, let’s explore the benefits of Full Mouth Rehabilitation. This procedure offers many advantages, including increased comfort, improved oral health, and a more attractive smile. Full Mouth Rehabilitation also helps to prevent future dental problems by correcting existing issues. It can also boost your self-confidence and self-esteem, as you’ll feel better about your appearance and overall health.

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Full Mouth Rehabilitation is an excellent choice if you’re looking to improve your dental health and restore your smile. By working with your dentist to create a comprehensive treatment plan, you can achieve a beautiful and effective long-term solution. If you’re in Aberdeen, NJ, and looking for a qualified and experienced dental practice, reach out to Friendly Dental! Our team of professionals can provide you with a personalized plan that meets your needs and budget. At Friendly Dental, we’re dedicated to giving you the best dental care possible!

Signs Of A Tooth Infection

Signs of a tooth infection

Signs Of A  Tooth Infection

Signs of a tooth infection

What You Need to Know About Tooth Infections

Tooth infections can be caused by a variety of factors, including dental decay, gum disease, and injury. It is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of an infection so that you can identify it early and seek treatment. Here are some of the common signs to watch out for.

Pain in the Jaw or Face

One of the most common signs of an infection is a pain in your jaw or face. This may come on suddenly and may be more severe on one side than the other. If you are experiencing this kind of pain, it is important to contact your dentist near you as soon as possible for an evaluation.

Swelling Around the Jaw or Face

Another sign that you may have a tooth infection is swelling around your jaw or face. This could be due to inflammation from the infection, and should not be ignored. If you notice any swelling, contact your dentist in Aberdeen NJ immediately for an appointment.

Fever or Flu-like Symptoms

If your body is reacting negatively to a tooth infection, you may experience fever-like symptoms such as chills, headaches, nausea, and body aches. These symptoms can indicate that the infection has spread beyond just your tooth and into other parts of your body. Again, if you are experiencing these symptoms it is important to contact your Aberdeen NJ dentist right away for help.

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When it comes to tooth infections, prevention is key! By practicing good oral hygiene habits such as brushing twice a day and flossing regularly, you can reduce your risk of getting an infection in the first place. However, if you suspect that you have a tooth infection it is important to seek treatment right away in order to prevent further complications down the line. At Friendly Dental in Aberdeen NJ we are committed to providing our patients with quality care so they can get back on their feet quickly! Contact us today if you think you may have a tooth infection or any other dental concerns!

5 Ways To Restore Your Faded Teeth

5 ways to restore your faded teeth

5 Ways To Restore Your  Faded Teeth

5 ways to restore your faded teeth

5 Ways To Restore Your Faded Teeth

Teeth can become stained and discolored for many reasons. The foods and drinks we consume on a daily basis, along with smoking and other habits, can all lead to teeth that are not as white as they once were. While there are many over-the-counter teeth whitening products available, sometimes these are not enough to achieve the desired results. If your teeth are severely stained or discolored, you may need to seek professional help to restore them to their former glory.

Here are 5 ways your dentist can help you achieve a whiter, brighter smile.


In-Office Bleaching:

This is one of the quickest and most effective ways to achieve whiter teeth. During in-office bleaching, your Aberdeen NJ dentist will apply a bleaching gel to your teeth and then use a special light to accelerate the whitening process. In just one visit, you can achieve noticeable results.

Porcelain Veneers:

Porcelain veneers are thin shells of ceramic that are bonded to the front surface of your teeth. They can be used to correct a wide variety of dental problems, including tooth discoloration. Porcelain veneers are stain-resistant and can give you a long-lasting solution for restoring your faded teeth.

Dental Bonding:

Dental bonding is another option for restoring your faded teeth. During this procedure, your dentist near you will apply a tooth-colored resin to your teeth and then harden it with a special light. The resin is matched to the color of your natural teeth so that it blends in seamlessly. Dental bonding can be an effective way to improve the appearance of stained or discolored teeth.

Teeth Whitening Toothpaste:

There are now many different types of toothpaste available that claim to whiten teeth. These toothpastes usually contain abrasive agents that help remove surface stains from your teeth. While they may not be as effective as other methods, they can still help restore some of the whiteness to your teeth.

Over-The-Counter Bleaching Kits:

There are many different types of bleaching kits available over the counter at your local drugstore or grocery store. These kits usually come with a bleaching gel and mouth tray that you wear for a certain amount of time each day. While they may take longer to see results, they can still be an effective way to achieve whiter teeth.

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If you are unhappy with the color of your teeth, there are many different ways that you can restore them to their former glory. Talk to your dentist about which option is right for you based on the severity of the staining or discoloration. With today’s advances in dental technology, there is no reason to suffer from stained or discolored teeth any longer!